uncapped heroin from Hurricane Dorian.

Chella Phillips saved 97 dogs from dying.

As everyone knows The Bahamas has been viralized by that intense hurricane Dorian , a hurricane that will undoubtedly go down in history as one of the most devastating hurricanes so far in the Hurricane Season 2019 . You know now that the passage of the hurricane destroyed people's homes, flooded the streets and caused the death of at least five inhabitants.

Given the authorities' warning that the weather phenomenon would hit the Caribbean islands, residents prepared as best they could, bought groceries, and took refuge in shelters or their homes. But a woman named Chella Phillips worried not only about keeping her safe, but about street dogs that would have no place to shelter.

He opened the doors of his home to 97 ownerless canines so that they could be safe during hurricane storms.


Chella Phillips had to share her room with 79 dogs, but that was the easiest part of having rescued them. Keeping them and their brother who accompanied her in their shelter safe was difficult. The first night Dorian's eye fell on the Bahamas, rain began to flood his home. They used three pumps to drain the water but it was not enough and the liquid exceeded them . After an hour of relentless trying, all of the machinery had overheated and burned, so they had to try to scoop the water out, but they failed entirely.

They ran out of services and their TV broke down from the lightning of the storms that hit the area, so she couldn't use the cartoons to entertain the dogs that were inside her house, and she won't be able to do until you get a new one.

Despite the complications experienced, the Chella was able to keep the 97 dogs safe, with food and water.

Phillips is the director of The Voiceless Dogs of Nassau, a dog shelter in the Bahamas. "I am not affiliated with the Humane Society nor do I receive any kind of government aid. Only me and my love for these homeless dogs is what I do ", he says in the description on his Facebook page.

For eleven years, when she moved to the archipelago, she has been dedicated to helping street animals and four years ago she opened the refuge. During that time, with his own money and donations, he has managed to help 1,000 street dogs.

Hurricane Hazards

While hurricanes pose the greatest threat to life and prosperity, tropical storms and depression can also be devastating. The main hazards from cyclones (including tropical depressions, tropical storms, and hurricanes) are storm floods, inland flooding from heavy rains, destructive winds, tornadoes, and high rip currents.
  • The storm surge .- It is the abnormal increase in water generated by the winds of a storm. This hazard is historically the leading cause of hurricane related deaths in the United States. The storm surge and huge waves can cause great loss of life and cause massive destruction along the coast.
  • Floods .- Due to heavy rains, they are the second leading cause of death from tropical cyclones. Widespread torrential rains associated with these storms often cause flooding hundreds of miles inland. This flood can persist for several days after a storm has dissipated.
  • Los vientos.- Cuando son de un huracán pueden destruir edificios y casas prefabricadas. Las señales, el material del techo y otros elementos que se dejan afuera pueden convertirse en misiles voladores durante los huracanes.
  • Tornadoes .- They can accompany tropical cyclones that make landfall. These tornadoes generally occur in rain bands far away from the center of the storm.
  • Waves .- They are produced by strong winds and very dangerous due to a tropical cyclone and can represent a significant danger for coastal residents and sailors. These waves can cause deadly rip currents, significant beach erosion, and damage to structures along the shoreline, even when the storm is more than 1,600 kilometers from shore.


Is your home or business really protected from the sudden force of a hurricane?


Many people when asking this really believe that if they are protected and ready to react to the withering force of a hurricane, which we leave you…

Reasons why obtaining cyclonic protection is convenient for you and your family.

Living in a coastal region, it is important not to go unnoticed and to consider how dangerous the impact of a cyclone could be. When taking safety precautions it is easy to underestimate the amount of damage a hurricane can cause, however it is substantial that you take the time to prepare your family and property in the event of a storm.

The safety of yours is paramount, for this reason, we give you some reasons and / or recommendations why becoming a creditor of anticyclonic protection is a smart decision.



Hurricanes have been increasing in strength over the years due to global warming, which puts very great pressure on the windows that are exposed to it, and breaks them easily, leaving your property vulnerable to rains and debris that can cause significant damage to your home.

An anti-hurricane security system, keeps any possible threat off your property, keeping you and your family totally healthy and safe.





Stormcatcher en acción

There are two types of anticyclonic systems ( temporary and permanent ) which are chosen depending on the preference of the client. Many times to take care of your facade or visually it looks great, since any modality protects.

In the case of temporary (polypropylene anticyclonic mesh, panels) they can be mounted and dismounted when the client needs it; On the other hand, the permanent such as aluminum blinds, folding aluminum, will be fixed to your window giving security whenever you require it.


Compared to other forms of protection against hurricanes, such as impact windows or reinforced doors, the security benefit is acquired in the long term, since taking into account the low cost it has, it also resists much longer than other types of solutions .

The range of protections is very varied, as well as there are different factors which can make one type of protection more optimal than others, such as window measurements, location or community regulations.

Investing in a cyclone protection system is a decision that can provide future benefits, in short it is a smart decision.

HURRICANE SEASON BEGINS 2019 How many hurricanes are expected?

The hurricane season began today in the Pacific and in the Atlantic it will begin in June, both will end in late November of this 2019. The names of the hurricanes are recycled every six years.

For this hurricane season in the Atlantic this is the forecast.

Asimismo, se pronosticó Centro Nacional de Huracanes (NHC, por sus siglas en inglés) que en el Océano Pacífico habrán 24 huracanes, mientras que para el Atlántico prevé 21.


source: Sipse.com

12-14 storms forecast for Hurricane Season 2019

The density map of the above tropical trajectory was created by analyzing analog years, which are past years that have weather patterns similar to current and projected weather patterns. Analogous years are often used to predict future trends and impacts during a hurricane season. They can be based solely on the El Niño phenomenon or on a combination of weather patterns and teleconnections, which are weather patterns that occur in another part of the world and that can significantly influence current or future weather in a particular area of ​​concern.

Luego de vivir una activa temporada de huracanes en el Atlántico el pasado año, el grupo de expertos de AccuWeather pronostica que el 2019 será una temporada ligeramente superior a la normal con un total de entre 12 a 14 tormentas. De esas tormentas, se pronostica que de cinco a siete se convertirán en huracanes, y de dos a cuatro en huracanes categoría tres o más. “Este año, creemos que habrá menos tormentas tropicales y menor número de huracanes, pero solo se necesita una para causar daño significativo”, dijo el experto en huracanes de AccuWeather, Dan Kottlowski. Después de que los huracanes Michael y Florence afectaran los EE. UU. el pasado año, el experto señala que pudiese repetirse la historia con el impacto de entre dos a cuatro fenómenos atmosféricos en la región. Para ayudar a predecir la próxima temporada, los pronosticadores han establecido comparaciones con años anteriores con condiciones climáticas comparables, también conocidos como años análogos. En este caso, por su similitud, el año análogo al patrón actual es el 1969. Durante esa temporada, el huracán Camille impactó la región de Mobile, Alabama, convirtiéndose en uno de los tres únicos huracanes categoría 5 que han impactado los Estados Unidos. Pero eso no significa que experimentemos algo similar este año, dijo Kottlowski. Al comienzo de la temporada, sin embargo, los meteorólogos de AccuWeather estarán monitoreando el potencial de desarrollo en la costa sureste, el Golfo de México y el Caribe. “Esas son las áreas que vigilaremos muy de cerca, no solo a partir de junio, sino desde abril y mayo, pues las temperaturas del Atlántico se encuentran elevadas”, dijo el experto.


If this [El Niño] pattern continues or strengthens, then the number of tropical storms and hurricanes will be near or below normal, "said Kottlowski. "If El Niño weakens and becomes neutral, the number of tropical storms and hurricanes could be higher than normal," he added. source: AccuWeather


  • Believe it won't happen . It is necessary to follow the instructions of those who are in control of the situation and periodically review the official communications issued by the relevant local authorities.
  • Put adhesive tape on sales. This will not prevent the glass from falling apart at all, the fragments represent a danger to the safety of people inside the property; It is recommended to cover the doors and windows with material resistant to sustained winds of 300 km / h or higher.
  • Place blocks or sandbags at the entrance of the door to prevent the entry of water. These only help divert the water.
  • Believing that those who live on the coast are the only ones who should evacuate. In the vast majority of times when it comes to hurricanes category 3 and up, you have to follow the instructions of the local authorities and not do Ignore their recommendations. IT'S FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!
  • Open doors or windows a little bit. Hurricane winds are extremely turbulent and powerful so an open window or door (even if it's at the back of the house) can be a perfect space for the entry of the hot air that can incur this ( Video click ) as well as the entrance of debris transported by the wind.
  • Do the "Panic Shopping". For this it is important to be attentive to the media and to carry out our preparation. Normally we have up to more than 1 week to prepare and not leave everything At the last minute!
  • Placing wood (plywood) on doors and / or windows. As much as you believe that wood is the right thing to protect your home or business, you are in big error. Since hurricanes very easily tend to throw objects in the wind, such as trunks, metal sheets, spectacular, etc. Which become high speed projectiles that easily pierce the wood (plywood) or the wood (plywood) is pulled out. The key is anchoring and resistance to protect yourself properly.
  • Not having an Emergency Kit. It is essential to have the basic kit as well as having the protection of the documents that you consider important, it is recommended to have them in a bag and protect in an easily accessible waterproof backpack.
  • Do not cut off the electricity and butane gas supply. At the time that the local authorities give notice of Orange Alert (set when a tropical cyclone has approached such a distance that it predicts the imminent impact of the wind line). You must take the precaution of turning off the electrical box (it supplies electrical current to the home and / or business) as well as closing the stopcock from butane gas.
  • Get out of your shelter without prior notice from local authorities. You repeatedly make the mistake of leaving when you think the hurricane is over, and don't be careful! it is very likely that if you perceive a calm or “end” of the hurricane at that precise moment you will find yourself in the EYE OF THE HURRICANE . It is necessary to be attentive to the indications of the jurisdiction of your locality.



Now for the first time, scientists have explained how volcanic eruptions can influence hurricane formation.

Investigating this mechanism has so far been complicated, because in the era of sophisticated monitoring equipment, the largest volcanic eruptions have coincided with periods from El Niño-Southern Oscillation , which caused more hurricanes.

To solve this lack of data, scientists used detailed computer models to observe large numbers of eruption events that could affect hurricane formation around the world. These models found can influence the Intensity of hurricanes and their Frequency .

"This is the first study that explains the mechanism of how major volcanic eruptions influence hurricanes worldwide", said one of the researchers Suzana Camargo of Columbia University in New York.

The ITCZ ​​ plays an important role in the frequency and strength of Thunderstorms , which is where the link between Volcanoes and Hurricanes comes into play. The team of researchers found that these effects can be felt up to four years later.

As the world heats up, we need as much information as possible to understand how all of these meteorological events combine.

Predicting hurricanes is still a notoriously complicated business, with an almost infinite number of contributing factors involved. What we do know is that those huge storms can have a significant impact on people, animals, and property on their way.

The research has been published in PNAS .

source: Cerebro Digital.

Tormenta tropical BUD y ahora depresión tropical FOUR-E

Tormenta Tropical BUD

Tormenta tropical BUD
A partir de las 6:00am viernes, 15 de Junio
Vientos máximos sostenidos: 35 nudos; 64 km/h
Presión central mínima: 1002 mb
Ubicada en: 24.9N 110.0W

Movimiento: norte a 11 nudos; 20 km/h

Depresión Tropical FOUR-E

A partir de las 7:00am viernes 15 de Junio

Vientos máximos sostenidos: 30 nudos; 56 km/h
Presión central mínima: 1007 mb
Localizado en: 15.4N 100.1W
Movimiento: casi inmóvil