Accu Weather first alerted to this phenomenon.

Cancun.- When Hurricane Leslie threatened the Canary Islands last September, meteorology expert Dan Kottlowski found that the data and forecasts described a zombie hurricane or dying.

The company AccuWeather, specializing in climate, immediately used the term to define a cyclone with no definite or predictable course .

Thus, ' zombie hurricane ' is understood to mean a phenomenon that, despite the clues obtained by satellite and other instruments, scientists do not reach a general consensus on the place of impact, its level of force and, above all, its life time.

Leslie, the zombie hurricane, hit Portugal on October 14, 2018

According to the Spanish ABC, Kottlowski considered Leslie as a z zombie hurricane ’because in 2018 she did not know when she would die.

And it is that Leslie meandered the Atlantic for more than 10 days surviving hot and humid waters and weather systems that could not stop him. The phenomenon finally impacted the coasts of Portugal. That would be the first time that a cyclone of that category and force had touched that region since 1842.

source: Sipse.com

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