Barbara escalates to powerful Category 4 hurricane
Climate change in action?
Tropical Storm Barbara in the Pacific Ocean quickly became a Category 4 hurricane and developed, achieving a record time of less than 24 hours. This fact leaves a strong message that the rapid development of these systems must be monitored even more today as there is increasing speed and intensity.
??#Bárbara se ha intensificado muy rápido en las últimas horas y actualmente se ha convertido en un huracán Mayor categoría 4.
Presenta viento sostenido de 215 km/h y rachas superando 250 km/h, desplazándose al oeste-noroeste a 24 km/h, muy lejos de México. pic.twitter.com/IIbN3vgZb2
SkyAlert Storm (@SkyAlertStorm) July 2, 2019
It is a great hurricane , fortunately it will not impact national terrain, however, there is vigilance for Hawaii .
source: catastrofesmundiales.com