The invisible consequences of climate change.

Beyond emergencies related to meteorological events, there is a silent factor that is taking center stage in the face of climate change. Learn more in this article.

How do they affect the media?

The discrepancy that exists in the media, when communicating the news about climate change, is one of the factors that has most attracted attention in the area of psychology. Indeed, there has been an increase in research relating the consequences on people's mental health after an extreme meteorological event. This is due to the uncertainty that causes, in the perception of people, the contrast in the information received.

On the other hand, stress levels can be increased by environmental conditions. For example, it can increase violence, aggression in people and the number of suicides due to a natural disaster. One of the most significant psychological impacts is the tendency to perceive vulnerability more closely. This can be associated with geographic location, economic variability, social status, among others.

How to approach the silenced?

To address this agglomeration of events in a healthy way, there is a key word: adaptation. However, on psychological issues, it is of utmost importance to consider the social context of each country. In this sense, it is crucial to unite the disciplines to promote the sustainable development of a nation. The investigations cannot remain only in a magazine; it is necessary that they reach society with a common language.

This would make it possible to reduce the educational gap and, therefore, take concrete actions by the citizenry. In addition, social principles must be fundamental pillars within climate change laws. Finally, the need to consider actors from different humanistic perspectives in the resolution of this type of situation becomes imperative. Here we need everyone's contribution to live adapted to a new planet.

Increases the probability of having an Active Hurricane Season

10 to 17 named storms, 9 to 5 hurricanes, and 2 to 4 intense hurricanes are now expected.


10 a 17


9 a 5

Huracanes Cat. 4 o mayor

2 a 4

The National Hurricane Center (NOAA) reported last week that it increased the chance of having a hurricane season above normal for the remainder of the year.

The El Niño phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean has come to an end, which will make the conditions in the Pacific Ocean a little more favorable for the development of tropical systems.

The probability that an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season is now 45% In May this year the NOAA said the probability of this was 30%

Fuente: NOAA

Disappearance of El Niño, with it will come strong cyclonic activity: specialist

The peak of the hurricane season begins in late August

The current season has behaved weakly, but it is not necessary to let your guard down , since the phenomenon of El Niño is close to disappearing and with this it will begin to take more forces cyclonic activity in the Atlantic Ocean.

The meteorologist of the Institutional Committee for the Attention of Extreme Meteorological Phenomena of the UADY, Juan Vázquez Montalvo, pointed out that, so far, the hurricane season has developed very weakly, presenting only one event in advance, in May, with the formation of the Hurricane Andrea and Barry, this month.


Vázquez Montalvo recalled that it is precisely in September when the Yucatan Peninsula has been vulnerable to major cyclones such as Gilberto and Isidoro, which hit the State in September.

“Since we no longer have the El Niño phenomenon, we will be in neutral conditions with tendencies for La Niña to form. During this period, the trend is to have explosive cyclone growth, which has not happened until now, "he insisted.

In this sense, he explained that El Niño with its cutting winds does not allow cyclones to form and there is an erratic behavior as it happened with Barry, which did not allow it to develop.


Andrea forms, the first probable Caribbean Tropical Storm


For the North Atlantic ... Caribbean Sea and Gulf of Mexico: 1.

Showers and thunderstorms associated with a wide area of ​​low. Pressure several hundred miles southwest of Bermuda is showing signs of organization. Although recent satellite wind data suggests that the system currently lacks a circulation center, the environmental conditions are expected to be conducive.

For the formation of a short-lived tropical or subtropical cyclone. Later today or tonight. Conditions are expected to become unfavorable for further development by the end of Tuesday, and the disturbance is expected to merge with a cold front on Wednesday. A reconnaissance aircraft from the Air Reserve is currently en route To investigate the riot. Interests in Bermuda must Monitor the progress of this system. The next Tropical Special Weather Outlook will be issued today at 8 PM EDT.

* Possibility of training through 48 hours ... high ... 70 percent.

* Possibility of training through 5 days ... high ... 70 percent.



Fuente: NOA

HURRICANE SEASON BEGINS 2019 How many hurricanes are expected?

The hurricane season began today in the Pacific and in the Atlantic it will begin in June, both will end in late November of this 2019. The names of the hurricanes are recycled every six years.

For this hurricane season in the Atlantic this is the forecast.

Asimismo, se pronosticó Centro Nacional de Huracanes (NHC, por sus siglas en inglés) que en el Océano Pacífico habrán 24 huracanes, mientras que para el Atlántico prevé 21.

