Disappearance of El Niño, with it will come strong cyclonic activity: specialist

The peak of the hurricane season begins in late August

The current season has behaved weakly, but it is not necessary to let your guard down , since the phenomenon of El Niño is close to disappearing and with this it will begin to take more forces cyclonic activity in the Atlantic Ocean.

The meteorologist of the Institutional Committee for the Attention of Extreme Meteorological Phenomena of the UADY, Juan Vázquez Montalvo, pointed out that, so far, the hurricane season has developed very weakly, presenting only one event in advance, in May, with the formation of the Hurricane Andrea and Barry, this month.


Vázquez Montalvo recalled that it is precisely in September when the Yucatan Peninsula has been vulnerable to major cyclones such as Gilberto and Isidoro, which hit the State in September.

“Since we no longer have the El Niño phenomenon, we will be in neutral conditions with tendencies for La Niña to form. During this period, the trend is to have explosive cyclone growth, which has not happened until now, "he insisted.

In this sense, he explained that El Niño with its cutting winds does not allow cyclones to form and there is an erratic behavior as it happened with Barry, which did not allow it to develop.

source: sipse.com


The rainy season and tropical cyclones will begin on May 15, according to experts.


Mexico.- This year in the Pacific seas a weak El Niño phenomenon will be registered, which will generate a large number of extreme weather events and we must be ready to face them, warned Blanca Jiménez, director of the National Water Commission (Conagua).

During her participation in the inter-institutional meeting held at the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), the environmental engineer stressed that we must be prepared for the imminent rainy season and tropical cyclones, which will begin on May 15 and end on November 30.

In order to establish the most appropriate lines of action to be applied before, during and after of a possible emergency, the proposal is to work, in a coordinated manner and putting aside any partisan affiliation, between the three levels of government , as well as establishing closer and closer communication with the population, added David León Romero, national coordinator of Civil Protection.

According to UNAM Global, to consolidate this strategy, the so-called Inter-institutional Analysis and Coordination Group for Tropical Cyclones was established, consisting of:

  • Ministry of Public Security (SSP)
  • Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT)
  • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)
  • Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA)
  • Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR)
  • Federal Electricity Commission (CFE)

“We are working together and in a preventive way before the next season of tropical cyclones and rains. Therefore, in addition to operating as a team, we are reviewing the coordination, information and communication mechanisms between institutions in order to respond to any emergency before, during and after, ”they reported.

On May 15 the number of hurricanes that are calculated in the country will be announced in a meeting in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero.

The coordinator explained that in order to face these contingencies and lessen their impacts, a plan articulated in three axes is contemplated: prevention, preparation and communication.


source: SIPSE.COM


Now for the first time, scientists have explained how volcanic eruptions can influence hurricane formation.

Investigating this mechanism has so far been complicated, because in the era of sophisticated monitoring equipment, the largest volcanic eruptions have coincided with periods from El Niño-Southern Oscillation , which caused more hurricanes.

To solve this lack of data, scientists used detailed computer models to observe large numbers of eruption events that could affect hurricane formation around the world. These models found can influence the Intensity of hurricanes and their Frequency .

"This is the first study that explains the mechanism of how major volcanic eruptions influence hurricanes worldwide", said one of the researchers Suzana Camargo of Columbia University in New York.

The ITCZ ​​ plays an important role in the frequency and strength of Thunderstorms , which is where the link between Volcanoes and Hurricanes comes into play. The team of researchers found that these effects can be felt up to four years later.

As the world heats up, we need as much information as possible to understand how all of these meteorological events combine.

Predicting hurricanes is still a notoriously complicated business, with an almost infinite number of contributing factors involved. What we do know is that those huge storms can have a significant impact on people, animals, and property on their way.

The research has been published in PNAS .

source: Cerebro Digital.