The invisible consequences of climate change.

Beyond emergencies related to meteorological events, there is a silent factor that is taking center stage in the face of climate change. Learn more in this article.

How do they affect the media?

The discrepancy that exists in the media, when communicating the news about climate change, is one of the factors that has most attracted attention in the area of psychology. Indeed, there has been an increase in research relating the consequences on people's mental health after an extreme meteorological event. This is due to the uncertainty that causes, in the perception of people, the contrast in the information received.

On the other hand, stress levels can be increased by environmental conditions. For example, it can increase violence, aggression in people and the number of suicides due to a natural disaster. One of the most significant psychological impacts is the tendency to perceive vulnerability more closely. This can be associated with geographic location, economic variability, social status, among others.

How to approach the silenced?

To address this agglomeration of events in a healthy way, there is a key word: adaptation. However, on psychological issues, it is of utmost importance to consider the social context of each country. In this sense, it is crucial to unite the disciplines to promote the sustainable development of a nation. The investigations cannot remain only in a magazine; it is necessary that they reach society with a common language.

This would make it possible to reduce the educational gap and, therefore, take concrete actions by the citizenry. In addition, social principles must be fundamental pillars within climate change laws. Finally, the need to consider actors from different humanistic perspectives in the resolution of this type of situation becomes imperative. Here we need everyone's contribution to live adapted to a new planet.

HURRICANE SEASON BEGINS 2019 How many hurricanes are expected?

The hurricane season began today in the Pacific and in the Atlantic it will begin in June, both will end in late November of this 2019. The names of the hurricanes are recycled every six years.

For this hurricane season in the Atlantic this is the forecast.

Asimismo, se pronosticó Centro Nacional de Huracanes (NHC, por sus siglas en inglés) que en el Océano Pacífico habrán 24 huracanes, mientras que para el Atlántico prevé 21.




The rainy season and tropical cyclones will begin on May 15, according to experts.


Mexico.- This year in the Pacific seas a weak El Niño phenomenon will be registered, which will generate a large number of extreme weather events and we must be ready to face them, warned Blanca Jiménez, director of the National Water Commission (Conagua).

During her participation in the inter-institutional meeting held at the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), the environmental engineer stressed that we must be prepared for the imminent rainy season and tropical cyclones, which will begin on May 15 and end on November 30.

In order to establish the most appropriate lines of action to be applied before, during and after of a possible emergency, the proposal is to work, in a coordinated manner and putting aside any partisan affiliation, between the three levels of government , as well as establishing closer and closer communication with the population, added David León Romero, national coordinator of Civil Protection.

According to UNAM Global, to consolidate this strategy, the so-called Inter-institutional Analysis and Coordination Group for Tropical Cyclones was established, consisting of:

  • Ministry of Public Security (SSP)
  • Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT)
  • Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT)
  • Ministry of National Defense (SEDENA)
  • Secretary of the Navy (SEMAR)
  • Federal Electricity Commission (CFE)

“We are working together and in a preventive way before the next season of tropical cyclones and rains. Therefore, in addition to operating as a team, we are reviewing the coordination, information and communication mechanisms between institutions in order to respond to any emergency before, during and after, ”they reported.

On May 15 the number of hurricanes that are calculated in the country will be announced in a meeting in Zihuatanejo, Guerrero.

The coordinator explained that in order to face these contingencies and lessen their impacts, a plan articulated in three axes is contemplated: prevention, preparation and communication.


source: SIPSE.COM


  • Believe it won't happen . It is necessary to follow the instructions of those who are in control of the situation and periodically review the official communications issued by the relevant local authorities.
  • Put adhesive tape on sales. This will not prevent the glass from falling apart at all, the fragments represent a danger to the safety of people inside the property; It is recommended to cover the doors and windows with material resistant to sustained winds of 300 km / h or higher.
  • Place blocks or sandbags at the entrance of the door to prevent the entry of water. These only help divert the water.
  • Believing that those who live on the coast are the only ones who should evacuate. In the vast majority of times when it comes to hurricanes category 3 and up, you have to follow the instructions of the local authorities and not do Ignore their recommendations. IT'S FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!
  • Open doors or windows a little bit. Hurricane winds are extremely turbulent and powerful so an open window or door (even if it's at the back of the house) can be a perfect space for the entry of the hot air that can incur this ( Video click ) as well as the entrance of debris transported by the wind.
  • Do the "Panic Shopping". For this it is important to be attentive to the media and to carry out our preparation. Normally we have up to more than 1 week to prepare and not leave everything At the last minute!
  • Placing wood (plywood) on doors and / or windows. As much as you believe that wood is the right thing to protect your home or business, you are in big error. Since hurricanes very easily tend to throw objects in the wind, such as trunks, metal sheets, spectacular, etc. Which become high speed projectiles that easily pierce the wood (plywood) or the wood (plywood) is pulled out. The key is anchoring and resistance to protect yourself properly.
  • Not having an Emergency Kit. It is essential to have the basic kit as well as having the protection of the documents that you consider important, it is recommended to have them in a bag and protect in an easily accessible waterproof backpack.
  • Do not cut off the electricity and butane gas supply. At the time that the local authorities give notice of Orange Alert (set when a tropical cyclone has approached such a distance that it predicts the imminent impact of the wind line). You must take the precaution of turning off the electrical box (it supplies electrical current to the home and / or business) as well as closing the stopcock from butane gas.
  • Get out of your shelter without prior notice from local authorities. You repeatedly make the mistake of leaving when you think the hurricane is over, and don't be careful! it is very likely that if you perceive a calm or “end” of the hurricane at that precise moment you will find yourself in the EYE OF THE HURRICANE . It is necessary to be attentive to the indications of the jurisdiction of your locality.